Vi är här för att avlasta pedagogerna
Parent optimerar och förbättrar kommunikationen och administrationen, allt på en enda säker plattform. Tillgänglig från var som helst frigör Parent din tid så att du kan fokusera på det som verkligen betyder något - smart va?

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Kolla in direktmeddelanden och nyhetsflödet

Pappershögar som växer?
Kolla in direktmeddelanden och nyhetsflödetFöräldrarna anförtror sina barn åt er.
Ge oss samma förtroende när det gäller dataskydd.
Datasäkerheten är vår högsta prioritet! Därför har vi etablerat en mängd olika skyddsfunktioner som gör att förskolor kan kommunicera och utbyta information med varandra och med föräldrar utan några bekymmer.

Svårt att hålla koll på barnens utveckling?
Kolla in våra verktyg för utveckling och lärande
Børnegården Blistrup struggled with outdated management techniques, and it was coming in the way of their growth. Parent saw to it that operations went smoothly, staff were happy, and the parents were even happier.
"Parent changes my way of working, especially in terms of communication both with parents and and staff"
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From streamlining and centralizing all tasks to communication with staff, admins and parents, Parent does it all.
"Working with Parent made me feel like I have a better and much bigger overview of our nursery because every functionality is gathered in one place."
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Parent is more than just a child care management solution; it’s a nurturing ecosystem for child care owners, educators, parents and children. Don’t believe us? Just listen to Samina from JINS!
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With almost 2,000 children under their wing, Germany's TSA has strict child care demands, and Parent was there to see to it all!
"I am very happy about the little glimpses into everyday life, so that you can also find out what our children do in the kindergarten throughout the day."
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Zeina from nursery Step By Step talks about how tracking child attendance with Parent has eliminated a lot of stress:
“It’s very easy. Just one click to check in a child and another click to check out” But that’s not all! Read about all the changes Step By Step has made using Parent.
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Parent has done a lot to bring Den Jødiske Barnehage into the new digital era of child care, bridging all kinds of gaps in communication, planning, billing and more.
“[Parent] is a great way to bring together all forms of communication, both internally and externally, for parents, staff, educators, and groups.”
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Kita Lilu’s operations and communications with both staff and parents saw a dramatic increase in efficiency ever since Parent came into play. See what Parent can do for your daycare now with our 40-day free trial: landing page
“It has surprised me how easy it is to use Parent without major knowledge about it. You can immediately use the system, and quickly be familiar with it.”
Our Apps Reviews
I Love this app! As a grandmother I get to see my granddaughters in their daily classes and I feel that I have a closer connection with them, even though they live in Canada now. Thanks for creating this app.
Debra -
Best app ever, I get to see my child everyday and being able to monitor everything going with him easily.. Super easy to use, staff are very professional and helpful.. Can't be more happy.. Way to go
Maryam Adel -
That's a very useful app ! Thank you to the app developers. Also I'd like to thank Khaled, he is very professional and he's doing an amazing job .
Iana Pirlii
Här för att underlätta - när som helst, var som helst!

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